Have grandchildren around regularly lol. I have lost at least 3 inches from my hips and waist since the older ones came back from Greece and Joe was born. A good by-product of the joys of having them around.
Georgia is almost 9 and really loves to craft - with or without me - she shuts herself off and 'plays' for hours. She is so sensible that I never worry about her using my stash. She always cleans stamps and puts them away (something I don't always do) and she never touches anything banned.
The first time she used my Cuttlebug she cried because of the little crack noise when it went through - she thought she had broken it.
James isn't trustworthy at all but I will let him play a little when I am around. His attention span is minute - much like his dad was at that age.
Going out again tomorrow to see them all - family get together - so no crafting - again!!!!!!!!!!