Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day 2006

Cleaning up after your children. May day 2006. It's cold, wet and nothing like a sprng day here. I have been busy cleaning the top bedroom after my son and family visited. It was spotless before they arrived. I even used a toothbrush to get in all the nooks and crannies *sigh*. Now now looks like a bomb (or maybe 2 lol) dropped. He is 27 this week, married with 2 young children. My granddaughter, whom I adore and my grandson, who was born in Crete and I won't really get to know. Georgia is the light of my life. She gave me back my life when I was at the point where I was just existing from day to day. Now I craft when I can, especially scrapbooking, I have re-discovered my garden and I feel alive - at least some of the time. I have been diagnosed a manic depressive with a personality disorder and I have some very bad days. The bad days always draw me to the fact that Georgia is no longer here to visit, play with and kiss and cuddle. She really is a most delightful little girl bt so full of mischief :D. She reminds me of my own daughter, Claire, who is 29 and getting married later this year. She is my angel and I could not live without her. My son, Gareth, I adore as any mother would but he is a heartbreaker.getting back to the bedroom - chewing gum!! stuck to the - what were - nice clean floorboards. I'll have to put some ice down to freeze it off. If that doesn't work I'll have to buy a speciality spray. Bummer.

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